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Imagine how devastating it would be to come home to find out that you had been burgled or that your house had been burned down or there was a flood.  Whilst most lender insist on at least buildings insurance, it makes sense to cover your whole property and it's contents anyway.

Saving money on home insurance could end up being a false economy.

When times are hard and people look at where they can save money, they look down the list of Direct Debits and Home Insurance is one of the first to go.  Some people, if their lender does not stipulate it it as a mortgage condition, don't even bother in the first place! 

The lure of a holiday, long weekend or city break is sometimes more compelling than an essential such as home insurance. It really is a false economy to forget the valuable protection of home insurance.

Keeping the costs down

There are many ways in which  you can keep the cost of home insurance as low as possible without compromising on the quality of the cover.

* Security – One of the easiest ways is to fit a burglar alarm.  It's amazing how much peace of  ind this can give you as well as save on the cost of insurance. If yours is the only house in the street without a burglar alarm, guess which one is favourite to be burgled.  With some systems and the use of internet, you can even check on your home from anywhere in the world.


* Join a Neighbourhood watch scheme or even start one if there isn't one. It's a great way to get to know others in the street.


* Don’t overestimate on things like rebuilding costs. Many people confuse this with their property value but it’s usually substantially less. 


*Think about what you actually need – Don't double pay. For example, if you already have gadget insurance separately somewhere else , don’t pay for it twice by including say mobile phone insurance in your home insurance.. 


* At CA Mortgages we only use reputable providers. That way you can be sure that the product we suggest will be a quality product.  That said, it is your responsibility to check the small print and be satisfied with the conditions.

Other tips.


  • When you go out or away, ask a friendly neighbour to keep an eye on your property

  • Do you have ladders out of site of prowling eyes. Is the shed with all the tools locked and secure

  • Keep all valuables out of site

  • Take photographs of valuable, including bikes, engagement rings etc and register with the National Property Register.

  • Mark your valuable with your postcode where possible or consider using an invisible DNA marker such as Smart Water.

  • Are your locks up to scratch? They may cost a little more but worth every penny when trying to prevent a burglar getting in through that window or door.

This may not reduce your premiums, but it may make you feel a lot safer. So contact us now and see how we can help.

You can read our "Home insurance Frequently Asked Questions" here.

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